Testing Opera Mobile Widgets on your desktop (and Mini)
If you are developing the new Opera Mini widgets, you are probably using the Opera Widget emulator for testings. This tool is very useful for debugging your javascript and setting a basic CSS, but you can’t trust it when you are building complex layouts because it hasn’t the same rendering engine than the Opera Mini 5 . If you want to do a fine adjus, you need something more reliable, i.e. Opera Mobile 10 or even Opera Mini itself!.
Opera Mobile 10 has a complete set of tools for development: Just go to this Opera Mobile Widget Emulator article, and download the Opera Mobile emulator. Once it is installed on your desktop, testing and debugging widgets is straight forward. Open the Opera Widget Mobile emulator, click on the settings icon, select “Developer tools” from the menu and “Install widget”. Here you an also set up the remote debugging connection. Read the article for more information.
Opera Mini, unfortunately, does have such helping tools. If you want to test your widget in a semi-real environment, and you are lucky enough to have in your hands a java version of Opera Mini with widget support, install MicroEmulator, load your Opera Mini on it, navigate to your widget and begin to test. For more information you can go to the Vodafone developer portal.